Food Diary

4. Looking at the CLASS DATA, what conclusions can you draw about the nutritional value of the meals/snack this group of students is consuming

The conclusion I have come to is that the majority of students were under their recommended calorie intake. Carbohydrates and Fats also seemed to be under the recommended amount while protein seemed to be excessively over.

5. Assuming the majority of the food consumed is from the Commons dining hall and/or other venues on campus, what suggestions do you have for the food service managers.

A suggestion I would want to make is that everyone try to take in more calories on a daily basis. Their intake is lower and this could affect how someone feels on a daily basis. Maybe eat more foods that are heavier in carbohydrates and space your meals out but have more meals so you can have a higher intake.

6. What spices do you wish were available in the dining hall?  Are there nutrients in spices?

I personally wish there was more seasoning on the food. Things like oregano and ginger. The meat tends to taste bland because it never marinates or gets the proper seasoning I’d like. This could also be why people don’t have as high of an intake in carbs. These spices have minerals like magnesium and zinc which can help your health while also making your food taste better.

About Me

My name is Jeremy Roman Diaz and I am from Queens, NY. Bio has always been a fun course for me. I have had some fun labs in the past and hope for some in the future. My goal is to get an A in the class.

Eagle Cam Observation

Eagle Cam 1:

When observing the eagles for 15 minutes I noticed a few things. Whichever eagle was in the nest would sit on the eggs and not move. I realized that this was to keep the eggs heated similar to an incubation system. The warmer the eggs are the quicker they’ll develop and hatch. Also if the eggs aren’t provided with the right amount if warmth the chick could possibly die. Besides a little bit of shuffling the eagle didn’t move much. At times it would close its eyes to rest but then would open them again to observe and make sure everything was still safe as before.

Eagle Cam 2:

This time when observing the eggs have hatched. I can see that the eagles have little to no feathers and they still rely heavily on the parents for food, warmth and shelter. Also when observing I saw a switch of the eagles. The bigger eagle which is the female was leaving the nest and the male was coming back. I did some research and discovered that the female eagles spend more time with the eaglets while the male eagle does more of the hunting and bringing food back for them to eat. The eaglets are doing well and seem like they are being taken care of well by their mother and father.

Eagle Cam 3:

When watching the eagle cams I have seen the the birds have gotten more feathers now. They are starting to compete over who gets the food and when doing some of my own research I learned that occasionally a eaglet can die if it is not able to get the right amount of food due to its siblings. I also tried to observe the patterns of the parents and once again it seems like the mother tends to be in the nest more than the father. All of the eagles seem to be healthy and they seem like they are receiving the right care from their parents that they need.

Eagle Cam 4:

Today when I was watching the eagle cam I noticed that they have grown quite a bit. They also seem like they are starting to become more independent though they still rely on their parents to bring them the food. They do seem to be in the same health as they were in the past. The parents are starting to be less cautious with the baby eagles and I think this is because they have grown up enough the parent eagles are almost ready to let them go. I wonder if it is possible that the eagles could fall out of the nest now since they are just about to learn how to fly. This is something I want to look into more.

Eagle Cam 5:

Today when I accessed the eagle cam the Camera titled Cam 1 was down. From the second cam observed one of the parent eagles sitting on a branch watching the surrounding area. I can’t identify if it is the mother or father eagle because the cam is too far but if I had to guess I’d say it is the mother because it seems to be a pretty big size. The mother tends to be bigger than the father so that is why I think this. I waited a little longer to see if the other cam would work but from the cam I was watching I couldn’t see the baby eaglets. I do speculate that they are larger from the last time I observed them and hopefully they are starting to flap their wings.

