Active Reading

Link to annotations:

When I used to write annotations there were many things that were different. First I would never write annotations while reading. Instead I would always wait until I was done reading and then go back and annotate. Another thing was I didn’t really know was what to write for annotations. I’d always just rewrite what I underlined or boxed just so that it stood out. Upon taking the English 110 course I learned how to expand on ideas that were presented in the text and develop my own thesis from that. An example of this is present in my annotations of Kara Poe Alexander. I highlighted a portion of her work and wrote “This is what a literacy narrative is. I wonder if this definition is a proper one.” When looking back to paper 3 I obviously disagreed with Alexander’s definition of what a victim narrative is because as I stated I believed it was too bland and that it allowed stories where people weren’t really victimized to fit the narrative. This is an example of me challenging the text and developing my own belief from it. I also learned to question the text because this allows you to challenge it in a way. I used to be afraid of doing this in the past because these were proven authors but taking this class made me fearless in this aspect. One thing I always liked to do but was told was wrong was relating to the text I was given. When reading some of the literacy narratives I used as examples I tried my best to relate to them to see if I understood their situation of if I felt they were being too sensitive. When reading Hannah D’s literacy narrative I stated in my annotations that I felt she was being too sensitive and I was able to go back and use this when writing my paper. I’m glad I was able to get a better grasp of annotations and how I could use them to my advantage.
